Jessica fala da gravidez com Jay Leno
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Hey there, I'm Karli Bulnes. Jessica Simpson jokes she's become a nudist now that she's pregnant. Her funny admission is in today's PopSugar Rush.
"It's funny because I feel more comfortable in a bikini now that I'm pregnant than I was before, I've become like a nudist or something."
An expectant Jessica Simpson says she's pregnant with confidence about her changing body. In an interview posted to, the first time mom-to-be shares that she feels better in a two-piece now than she did before she had a baby bump. Jess's newfound pride in her pregnant body is on display on the April cover of Elle — she stripped down to just jewelry for the Demi Moore-inspired shoot and inside pics feature fiancé Eric Johnson kissing Ms. Simpson's belly.
Speaking of Jessica's stomach, the Fashion Star mentor revealed her very first fashion faux paz . . . she used to draw in fake abs with eyeliner, but the technique didn't work out too well.
"And I would not suggest people do that, it's not cute, you could tell somebody did it!"
Fashion Star premieres March 13th on NBC.
A primeira vez que a Jessica viu a Daisy foi no dia dos seus anos, o Nick apareceu e surpreendeu a Jessica e ofereceu-lhe aquela cadelinha linda. A Jessica queria um cão para andar sempre consigo na mala, mas a Daisy tranformou-se em algo mais do que isso, tornou-se numa amiga, no seu bébé, numa filha. A Daisy teve ali em muitos dos momentos bons, mas também nos maus da Jessica. Ela divorciou-se da pessoa que mais amara na vida e da pessoa que lhe tinha dado a Daisy, mas a Daisy continuou ali e foi a única coisa que restou desse tempo, tempo em que a Jess cresceu. Fiquem com o video do Nick a surpreender a Jess com a cadelinha mais fofa que existe...
Fonte: Jessica Portugal
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